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Gas Services

Natural gas is among the least expensive and most efficient ways to fuel a furnace or boiler. However, along with its advantages come safety concerns and responsibilities for homeowners. It is your Five Points Excavating Contractors job to help you identify deficiencies that can compromise the safety of occupants in your home using natural gas.

For homeowners who already have natural gas might unfortunately be in the position that they need to replace or fix their current piping. This can be a bit overwhelming for homeowners that aren't in construction. In order to understand the construction process involved in replacing underground natural gas piping system, you first need to know the basic piping terms; main line, service line, and gas meter. 

A main line is the pipe that carries natural gas to multiple houses and businesses in the same area. Main lines are usually located underground, be that the street, alley, or sidewalk. The service line is the pipe that runs from the main line to individual customers. The service line is the line that delivers gas to each residential, commercial, or industrial building.  A gas meter is where the service line connects to each building. Gas Meters measure the volume of gas used by a customer for a certain amount of time. These are used to accurately bill each customer based on their individual gas usage.

All underground main and service lines are typically installed three to four feet below the surface.  In order for Five Points Excavating's contractors to replace or repair these lines, an excavation into the street and into your property is almost always necessary. 

Rest assured, Five Points Excavating makes every reasonable effort to minimize any disturbance in your property, the type and size of the excavation depends on the installation method needed for each project.

Gas Services
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